Celebrating the Life of
Marion Wunder
Marion Lynn Wunder was born in Foam Lake, SK., on October 7, 1932 to parents Arthur and Maxine Hart. She & her sister, Doreen, born seven years earlier, grew up on the Hart farm, a few miles southeast of Foam Lake. She enjoyed life on the farm, walking to school, going to the movie theatre and had many fond memories of family trips to California to visit relatives. Upon graduation, Marion attended the Robertson Shorthand & Secretarial School in Saskatoon, graduating with highest honors in 1953.
She was employed in the John East Iron Works office for over a year until the love of her life, Robert (Bob) Wunder, swept her off her feet and they were married in November 1954. They raised their three children on the Wunder family farm eleven miles southeast of town. She was an avid gardener and loved to cook (also make butter, cheese), pick berries and mushrooms, bake, sew, knit, crochetand quilt. She was very active in the community. She was a life time member of the Saskatchewan Women’s Institute Briar Mound Home Makers where she put her office skills to good use. She typed meeting agendas, minutes, recipes and programs on her manual typewriter for over 40 years. Club members and their families enjoyed day trips to Fishing Lake and many points of interest around the province. She represented the club at regional and provincial conferences, including a national conference in St. Johns, NL. She also attended the 2007 international conference in Helsinki, Finland.Marion served for many years with the United Church women and could always be counted on to contribute as needed. She enjoyed curling in both league and bonspiels which often involved crazy team costumes and in 1971 her team joined the eight-ender club. Marion took up bowling as soon as the alley opened through until 2014. She always looked forward to these fun activities with dear friends.Bob and Marion often gathered with neighbours and friends for coffee, snacks and rowdy 3 spot games and tournaments. She did more than cook and take care of the family. Marion was ready to lend a helping hand wherever needed including getting on a tractor to drive while Bob stacked bales or drive the tractor and trailer while Bob, David and Marlyn piled bales on it. She could drive a standard vehicle and the grain truck. Marion could haul the grain in from the field and get it backed up to the auger. She never said no to helping on the farm or off the farm.
Marion loved being a grandmother and was always willing to host sleepovers, tea parties, and ball games. She was a fun Grandma who loved to play and laugh. Marion was always there to cheer on her grandchildren’s activities including 4H achievement days, public speaking events, high school dramas, sporting events, Christmas concerts, music recitals, sporting events and Cadet ACR’s. In 2011 she became a Great Grandmother and enjoyed every moment she spent with her great grandchildren. Mom liked to play the piano, write limericks and poetry, and especially writing letters to many friends and relations. Marion was a committed record keeper maintaining diaries of daily life and travel adventures. What a wonderful collection of memories she has left behind for us to treasure. She traveled quite extensively with various family members to Wisconsin, North and South Dakota, Missouri, Ireland, California, western and eastern Canada including the Maritimes provinces.
Dementia began to take its toll in 2016 and in spring of 2018 Mom moved into the Jubilee Nursing Home where she lived until her passing. She was predeceased by her parents, Arthur and Maxine, her sister Doreen in 2012 and her husband Bob in 2018. Marion will be greatly missed by her children: David (Marlyn) Wunder, Karen Huston, Lorri Woolard. Grandchildren: Rob (Amy) Wunder, Lyndsay (Bruce) Johnston, Bryce (Paulina) Wunder, David Huston, Scout Huston, Chad Woolard. Great Grandchildren: Sadi & Reid Wunder, Lilly, Emily, and Maggie Johnston, Sam, Emmett, Victoria and Jasper Wunder. As well as her many cousins and friends.
Celebration of Life
2:00 p.m.
Thursday, June 13, 2024
Foam Lake United Church
Foam Lake, SK
Those wishing to send cards
of caring & sympathy may send them to
The Family of Marion Wunder
P.O. Box 565
Foam Lake, SK S0A 1A0
Donations in memory of
Marion may be made to
Foam Lake Bowling Alley
P.O. Box 910
Foam Lake, SK S0A 1A0
Foam Lake United Church
P.O. Box 224
Foam Lake, SK S0A 1A0