Monday, May 25, 2015
well where to start this is very sudden to me has I just found out to day. still having a hard time realizing you are gone. I will miss are short days of work going back to my place to play call of duty shootem up multiplayer. going on are breaks to play poker. I remember the time we were stuck in a hail storm summer of 2013 it was something we were stuck in the hail not knowing any direction to go we looked at each other and ran for the truck where the hail was so intense it wrote off my truck. another time was when brigtwater had lots of wood left over that they throw away we salvaged the wood put it in to the truck and away we went then I step on the break and the wood went throw the windshield took the hole thing out we drive around regina a week with know windshield everyone looked at us as we laugh at everyone starring at us you made it seen like it was know big deal. your humor made it seen like it was nothing you made it seen like know big deal that was your gift. although you were only in my life 3 years but your imprint will last forever there not a day that goes by where I don't pitcher your smile you where a hard worker, a husband, dad and bread maker of the house you put your family needs before your self. you had a kind heart. I think what makes this hard for me is that we opened up to each other about are every day life's I understand why you did what you did but struggle with the why I will always remember you in my heart to your family you all will be in my prayers and in times like this is when family comes together to heal so let the healing begin and lets never forget how precious life is and how sudden it will end I will never forget you Vernon your employer, your co-worker, your friend Raymond Walters