Monday, January 15, 2018
Gerry we just met. I was druving by your house under constructuon. I was in a police car. There was nothing else except you. In 5 minutes you convinced me to buy. I did and we were neighbours and to me a very very good friend wityhy the same qualities I met in your family. I was going to phone you tonight as time passes and saddened. You knew my father Fred. I built that house with the chimney looking like a beer bottle, he said, Sandy as he sat by the firepit with a rum and coke. Being Fred he complainede saying nice trees as we planted many ahbout 3 feet tall. But said...No I went to the house got a full loaf of bread shredded it and threw it under his chair. The flight path as you know for sea gulls is in that channnel from the dump to the lake...He got birds, lots of birds... Thanks I was hopping to talk to you but think I just did. You are one of the few I would listen to as when you taked you had a reason. I think ill stop now as I was hoping to talk to Skippy, but then with time maybew he can call me...