Saturday, February 3, 2018
Larry was my cousin and a very sweet man. I knew him best as a child, growing up together. And although, we have kept in touch via facebook, I have not seen Larry for a number of years. But I have some dear memories of our childhood, jumping fences and chasing animals on his family farm...and yes, having a manure fight while cleaning barns. I can't remember who won...the girls from my family or the boys from his, but I do remember our mothers sending us to the slough to swim off the stuff and smell. His mom, Helen and mine, Mona, were best friends their whole lives, so this meant many commutes between Love, Saskatchewan and Lost River during my childhood. And I LOVED them ALL!!! And often think of the Larry, Gordon, Russell, and Clifford when I reminisce about my childhood days. Larry is part of my root fabric, along with his entire family. I am saddened by his passing, but I know his love, laughter, and friendship will be remembered by many, especially his immediate family - his wife and sons. All my love and sympathy to all.